Alonso Berruguete By Cole lemay

Alonso was born c. 1488 in Paredes de Nava, Castile and died in c. 1561 in Toledo, Castile. He was the most important Spanish sculptor of the Renaissance. Alonso was known for his very emotional mannerists sculptures, that were portrayed in spiritual torment. After studying art with his father he went to Italy (1504-08). Most of his stay was spent in Florence and Rome where he was influenced my Michelangelo's works. Alonso returned to Spain where he spent most of his life. He was named court painter to Charles V, but because he didn't follow the emperor to Germany he received no royal commissions for his works. He then turned over to sculptures and architectures. Some of his famous works were the Tomb of Juan Selvagio in the church of Santa Engracia at Zaragossa (c.1581-21). Also carved the Relief of Resurrection in the Cathedral of Valencia (c.1517). Lastly created Altarpieces and retables for the Monastery of La Mejorada at Olmedo. My artist uses mannerism. Mannerism is originated from the reaction of classicism, and the idealized of Renaissance paintings, its less naturalistic and uses bright colors, lighting, and perspective. He also uses humanism in a lot of his works.

The name of this artwork is "Madonna and Child" it was created in c.1508-1516 by Alonso Berruguete.

The name of this artwork is "Madonna and Child" it was created in c. 1508-1516 by Alonso Berruguete. You may see this piece of art in a museum is either Rome or Spain because that is where Alonso mostly made his artwork. The significance of this painting is the intimate gesture of the mother and baby. These are characteristics of the early Florentine Mannerism. This piece is a picture of a mother and son. It shows love and compassion that both baby and mother have for each other. The mother shows great care and love for her baby. Humanism is involved with this picture because there's an emotional connection between the baby and mother. There is also mannerism because the picture is painted with bright colors and the lighting is well shown throughout the painting. I find this piece of art interesting because it has it looks like the mother is inside and outside. You can find this image and a little information on it by using this link: I find this piece of art interesting because it has it looks like the mother is inside and outside.

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