The Best of What Canada Has to Offer By Kamal Aulakh

Many Canadians would agree that Canada is one of the most lovable places in world. Sure, it has its ups and downs (like the harsh weathers and devaluation of the Canadian Dollar) but it is considered by many as a land of opportunity and adventure due to the fact that it has so much to offer, and here are (in my opinion) Canada’s best offers.


Canada has many respectable values. They are made in a way in which Canadians can compromise and co-exist. They include: Equality, Respect for Cultural differences, Freedom, Peace and Law and Order. These values play a big role in Canada's social, political and cultural landscape. Without them Canada would not be loved the way it is today.

Canada strongly believes in Equality no matter ones Sexual orientation, Race, Gender and etc.

I really respect Canada's values as they respect the citizens here. Without these values Canada (like many other countries) would not be the same. Canadians should be grateful to have them as they allow us to have a respective amount of freedom and the safety that we need. Many believe they are what make Canada such an attractive place and I would agree without a doubt, because they are what brought my parents here in the first place (along with opportunity).

Cultural Diversity

Diversity is a major trait that separates Canada from other Countries

Today diversity is a big thing in Canada, as said earlier it is one of our values. In fact Immigrants make up over 20 percent of the total Canadian population which is the highest proportion among G8 countries. In 2011 the Census of Population reported that over 200 languages were spoken as a home language or mother tongue making Canada one of the most Culturally diverse countries in the world. This is all because in 1971 Canada became the first country in the world to enact an official policy of multiculturalism giving many people from other countries an opportunity like never before.

Annual Sikh Walk

Cultural diversity in Canada isn't a bad thing. As said by PM Trudeau "Diversity is Canada's Strength." The past has shown us Canadians how Canada has succeeded culturally, politically, economically because of diversity. Cultural diversity in Canada allows new immigrants in the country fit in and feel at home. This means a lot to me as both my parents are immigrants who were able to succeed in Canada and raise a family in Canada because the diversity here made them feel at home.

Canadian Wildlife

Canada is home to over seven thousand species of native plants and vertebrate animals.
Just a few names that come to mind when thinking about Canadian wildlife

Lastly I'd like to talk about the wildlife here. Canadian wildlife is one of Canada's most beautiful aspects. In my opinion it is one of a kind as Canada's size gives it the mobility to have all different kinds of wildlife. The north is home to the mighty polar bears, wolves and arctic whales whereas the southern side of Canada is home to caribou, bison’s and smaller animals such as beavers, rabbits and birds (just to name a few.) Not only is Canada home to some of the most unique animals it is also home to many beautiful plants and tree. Some notable names that come to mind include are Maples trees, Fir trees, Birch trees, Trillium flower, Wild rose and etc.

I personally love this aspect of Canada the most because growing up I felt a very strong connection with the Canadian wildlife in fact my favorite animals growing up were Polar Bears whom are native to Canada. Personally, I love the beauty it brings to Canada and without the wildlife Canada would struggle to find resources an would to very poor when it came to trade I believe many Canadian should value this as without it Canada probably wouldn’t be as beautiful (and resourceful) as it is today.

These are just 3 of the many great things that both Canadians and Canada overall have offer. Canada is very respected and a very attractive place to visit (or live) so swing by sometime, who knows what Canada has to offer to you

Created By
Kamal Aulakh


Created with images by JanTemmel - "canada canadian flag flag" • Tony Webster - "Equality" • maxlkt - "hand united hands united" • Stuart Grout - "Sikh festival" • twerdferg - "elk nature wildlife" • diapicard - "elk white wildlife" • ai3310X - "Red" • nomis-simon - "Polar Bears, north of Svalbard" • Vasnic64 - "Le cerf pendant le Bram"

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