My Journey Through Digital Photography Megan wheeler

Funky HDR image

I decided to take this class because I had always been interested in photography and taking pictures of things, but I wanted to learn the correct way to take pictures. I thought that by taking this class I could become more skillful as a photographer.

The picture above is an example of a short depth of field. Depth of field is something that I learned you can change from short to long by changing your aperture number on your camera.Short depth of field is a small number, long depth of field is a big number. Short depth of field is when your subject matter is clear, but your background is not focused; long depth of field is when both your subject matter and background are in clear focus.
The picture above is an example of good composition. I used the rule of thirds to line up my model on an intersection point so that she was not dead centered. This makes the portrait more interesting to look at.

Before I optimized this portrait, my model had a few blemishes/imperfections. By optimizing the picture, I took away the imperfections and made my model look more radiant. Optimizing is especially good for portrait photography because it can help make your portrait look the very best it can be.

Before Optimizing (left), After Optimizing (right)
I learned the most from the portrait photography project. There was a lot of things that had to be taken into account when taking the picture. You had to make sure there will fill light, catch light in both eyes, and that the model posed how you wanted them to. It was difficult to get all the components right, but it taught me a lot about how to take a good portrait.
I would be most likely to try the HDR project again because I didn't quite get it right the first time I did it so I would like to go back and try it again. It's also useful when trying to get the darkest darks and lightest lights to come together into one picture.
The type of creative image project I did was the inverting colors effect. I took a series of 3 shots of nature, then inverted the colors and put a hue saturation layer on to them get fun colors.

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