The Battle of Cambrai By Kyle Fowler U.S. Studies P.3

Near Cambrai, France. Battle begun on November 29, 1917 and officially ended December 7, 1917. Mainly I ncluded France, U.S. And Germany. (U.S. Only participated on November 30)
This battle was fought at the same time as the battle of Passchendaele. This battle was fought because it was planned to be a surprise attack on the other side of the Germans armies. The battle started at dawn and there was a lot of gunfire and smoke in the air from machine guns, heavy artillary, tanks, and air power.
Total Casualties: 89,000 and 179 tanks Germans: 45,000 Allies: 44,000
Even though there wasn't a clear winner, the Battle of Cambrai was a turning point in tank warfare. This was the first battle with highly successful tank warfare by the Allies. The early success created mass press enthusiasm and helped them build war tactics.
If Germans won: it would've been a huge moral hit on the Allies. Many consider this an ally victory because they benefitted from it the most from the early on tank success. Weaponry and tactics would've still evolved but most likely more rapidly for the Germans.

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