Persepolis Eleanor Morrison

Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical novel, Persepolis, describes the struggle that women face to be their authentic selves in a global culture with unrealistic expectations for women.

Elizabeth Marshall and Leigh Gilmore’s article Girls In Crisis: Rescue and Transnational Feminist Autobiographical Resistance, explores the importance of female autobiographers, and the role of female coming of age stories.

Gilmore and Marshall claim that Marjane Satrapi’s autobiography Persepolis, although it describes a specific and unique experience, serves as a relevant example of a transition from girlhood to womanhood.

¨Narrating a woman's life from girlhood to adulthood develops an argument for her political and moral autonomy ¨(Marshal 1).
Satrapi’s choice to form Persepolis as a graphic novel creates a reliable and sympathetic narrator.

Marji can illustrate women and girls as one

The young girls in head scarves are indistinguishable from the adults.
¨She ties the REPRESENTATION of girlhood to her rights and EXPERIENCES as a women in UnjusT contexts ¨ (Marshal 5).

¨[Satrapi] captures the complexity of controlling women is part of the Cultural Revolution and some women support it¨ (Marshal 7).

Marjane and her family struggle to cope with conflicting ideas of modesty and modernism. When the women, including Marjane’s mother and grandmother, behave as strong individuals, it makes the young girls also feel and look like strong individuals.

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