I started my project off with the idea and goal of making a teapot. So I rolled out slabs that were at the plastic stage in its clay journey. I left the slabs on a plaster board over night so they would become leather-hard.

Once my slabs were leather-hard I cut out 16 or so triangles that I would slip and score together to create the shape of my teapot
Once I had the first part of my teapot done I noticed that the shape I had planned on making was no longer there
So I changed my idea from a teapot to a box since my clay had gone from leather-hard to almost greenware
This was my second attempt of making a lid for my box because the first one I made blew up in the kiln when it was fired the first time :(
Here is my bisqueware box without a lid. After my second attempt I realized that after it would be fired to bisqueware it would not fit my box
And finally here is the finished product of my glaze ware box! I used the glaze Forest Moss on the inside. For the outside I used a combination of two layers of Old Copper and one Camel layer. I'm still in the process of perfecting my box by sanding down a glaze bubble that formed on the bottom during its second firing.

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