The Beautiful Ocean by: Bailey Smith

Oceans are full of beautiful fish. One awesome fact is that the ocean water can be up to 500 feet deep or more. In the morning there is also a pretty sunrise that you can watch.

Beautiful fish

The oceans change by day and night. It is because the tides change and the water level rises. The water in the oceans is called saltwater. It is referred to as saltwater because it has salt in it and is not fresh water.

Changing by day and night .

Abiotic and Biotic Factors

There are many abiotic and biotic factors in nature. Many of which can also be found in the ocean. Abotic means non- living and biotic means living. For example, a rock is non-living (abiotic) and a shark is living (biotic). The chart below shows other examples of biotic and abiotic things that are in or affect the ecosystem of the ocean.

Abotic and biotic things

Producers, Composers, and Decomposers

The ocean consists of producers, consumers and decomposers in the food chain. Producers normally form the bottom of the food chain. These are organisms that produce their own food and serve as food for consumers. Some examples are seaweed and other plants. Consumers are those things that get their food and energy by eating other organisms. Some examples of consumers in the ocean are whales, sharks, and birds. Decomposers break down dead organic matter. Bacteria and fungi are examples of decomposers in the ocean environment.

Producers, consumers,and Decomposers

The oceans covers over half the surface of the earth. The water from the ocean is needed by all living things whether living in the water or on land.

The surface of the ocean

The ocean is home to both predators and prey. Tiny plants, animals, and plankton eat algae. Larger animals then eat the plankton. A killer whale is a predator that preys on seals, sharks, and other smaller animals.

Prey and predators

There are many kinds of animals in the ecosystem of the ocean. Some examples are sharks, whales, dolphins, and fish. Ocean animals come in many different colors, shapes and sizes.


Plants in the ocean includes sea grass, coral reef, seaweed, and sea sponges to name a few. These are important to the basic food chain in the oceans ecosystem.


Limiting Factors

Limiting factors such as sunlight, temperatures, oxygen, and other food sources available in the oceans have a great impact on the ecosystem of the ocean. These factors limit the types of life forms that live in the oceans. Many species of plants and animals call the ocean home. Some species live close to the ocean surface while others dwell deep under the ocean.

Limiting factors

Humans played a role in oceans becoming weaker .Activities such as fishing are changing the ocean ecosystems beyond their original condition. Some activities are responsible for the declining numbers of fish and other species that live in the ocean. The oceans ability to provide food and protection for the animals that live there is also changing due man,s interference. Activities such as overdevelopment causes problems for the oceans ecosystem.

We all are responsible for making sure that the oceans are clean for future generations. We all can play an active role in keeping the oceans clean. What will you do to protect the ocean ecosystem?

The ocean

Did you know that there many sea creatures in the Pacific Ocean.

About 70% of the the oceans surface is covered with water.

AMelina Earhart was the fist female to fly in 1932.

The pacific Oceans nickname is the peaceful Sea.

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