Comfort Women Lucia Hwang

Comfort women were women ranging from early teens to late 20's that were forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army during 1900'. They were abducted from their homes and lured with promises of work in factories. Once they were recruited, these young women were forced into comfort stations.

How you arrived at this inspiration?

I saw the drama film called "Snowy Road" two years ago and I can still vividly remember how shocked I was after watching the film. These young women were forced into sexual slavery at the expense of their comfort and human rights. In the other film, The Comfort Women were interviewed and they expressed their pains of being in that position. I was so moved and heartbroken because I couldn't imagine the amount of pain and horror they experienced.

HoW DOES it relate to you on a personal level?

Beyond the fact that these women share the same gender as I have, it was hard to relate with them because I have not personally experienced this painful and horrific incident. But, as I learned more about the comfort women, it helped to understand how fortunate I was to be protected and be free from oppression.

What do you want to accomplish by learning more about the issue?

I want to share the reality of these women and spread awareness. Also, I want to share how it affected them emotionally and mentally. My mom works in the mental health counseling field and I saw how detrimental a traumatic experience can have on a person. It affects their future, relationships with other people, and decision making. Therefore, I want to encounter more women that have experienced similar traumas, listen to them and spread their voices.

Why should your cohort also consider it?

My cohort should also consider this topic because it is a serious issue that is prevalent across the world. Not only in Asia and Africa as we see in the media, but it also exists in America. I believe that awareness can lead to compassion and action. To be good global citizens, we should be aware of common conflicts that can happen to anyone.

The questions about this topic

  • Which countries were the comfort women taken away from?
  • How many comfort women are still alive around the world?
  • In today's society, do comfort women have any rights or actions that help protect them?
  • What similar problems happen in the world?

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