
World Fish Migration Day: Article & Art Project Joshua Kilbride, Tristan Kadrichu, Margot Richez || (UCG Y1 Project) University of Groningen


Free-flowing rivers are defined as "rivers that are largely unaffected by human-made changes in its flow and connectivity". These types of ecosystems are crucial to both human populations and other animal species alike. The diverse habitats created by free-flowing rivers have helped with economic growth, food security, and other aspects of human well-being throughout history; but they are also relied on for the survivability of another specific species, the fish.

While rivers may make up only 1% of the surface found on Earth, they also happen to hold about half of all fish species in their waters. The variety of environments created by rivers through differing temperatures or flow has allowed it to cater to many types of fish. Many fish seeking these ideal conditions are inclined to migrate throughout river systems to reach these locations that are best suited for their reproduction in terms of safety and food availability.

However, today free-flowing river ecosystems are being affected due to human industrialisation through the construction of "dams, roads, hydroelectric power plants, dykes, and other physical barriers". These barriers have disturbed the flow and/or the connectivity of many rivers around the world, thereby hindering the ability for fish to reach different areas of these rivers. The human-induced changes have caused fish to struggle in sustaining themselves, and several migratory fish species are becoming scarcer and endangered due to their inability to access their needed environments.


World Fish Migration Day (WFMD) is an event that lasts one day dedicated to bringing global awareness to the problems migratory fish species are currently facing. Organised and created by the World Fish Migration Foundation, the goal is to bring positive change to river ecosystems around the world and help the survival of these fish species.

This year, WFMD is on October 24 with the theme of Love Flows. How can you get engaged? Participate in events and/or organise your own event!

Check out www.worldfishmigrationday.com for more information!

Our project:

Our group decided to focus on bringing an artistic aspect with our creation of products for WFMD. We wanted to make content that could help further the promotion of the event, especially on a social media platform. As a group we completed several final products that consist of; a series of templates for Instagram story posts, a promotional art drawing, a short stop-motion video in relation to the theme of Love Flows, and this article with which we are presenting our material alongside containing additional general information for educational purposes.

WFMD drawing by Joshua Kilbride (on the right)

Instagram Story Templates: follow @worldfishmigrationday

Stop-motion Film:


Royte, Joshua & Brink, Kerry & Schollema, Peter & Wanningen, Herman. (2018). From Sea to Source 2.0 Protection and restoration of fish migration in rivers worldwide.

Free-flowing rivers are the freshwater equivalent of wilderness areas. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/free-flowing-rivers

Iconic Free Flowing Rivers. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://wwf.panda.org/our_work/water/freshwater_inititiaves/free_flowing_rivers_initiative

Next World Fish Migration Day: October 24, 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.worldfishmigrationday.com/


Created with images by Pablo Fierro - "Yosemite Valley, California" • Rostyslav Savchyn - "Promise of Victory" • Jason Leem - "Don’t sink"