Parenting Styles Emotional causes of Parenting

Children who grow up with dual biological parents are more likely to not experience social and emotional problems. For some households, dual parents might maintain a cleaner household and set more rules or guidelines. Single parenting also has its perks. If you are in an abusive or even unhealthy relationship it is better for you to leave than to expose your child(ren) to that negative environment. As a single parent, it is virtually easier to surround your life and activities based on what your child likes. They are likely to develop more skills pertaining with having a single parent like independence,responsibility, or even self sufficiency at an earlier age than children with dual parents. Homelife for any child is important, and having the ability to create it with stability,security,and consistency is important. Young people whose mother and father split up are also three times as likely to become aggressive or badly behaved, according to the comprehensive survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics. Young people whose mother and father split up are also three times as likely to become aggressive or badly behaved, according to the comprehensive survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics. This is quite astonishing, that just having to do with the number of parents you have, can influence how you behave or your type of emotions that could be heightened. Researchers interviewed 5,364 children ages five to sixteen in 2004 and also 2007. They found that three percent of those children had developed problems over time, 30% had emotional problems at the first survey and 43% who had behavioral issues had them three years later. These numbers don't support that their had been any direct causes of these issues, though they believe their is some kind of link to broken families.

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