Tango Styles Around the World Kate Tadda

Tango began in the working classes of port neighborhoods in Uruguay and later moved into Argentina and became popular through out Europe from then on.
Though the dances orgin comes from European origin, the name "Tango" has been thought to he originated from many different places, one of the most popular has been thought to be that it came from the Niger–Congo languages of Africa. This thought to be because of "Tango music" containing rythems derived from ancient Africa.
Two of the most popular styles of Tango are Ballroom and Argentine. The differences include where they are performed, the head snaps, embrace, walking, posture, if improvised or not, and what is worn while the performance, specifically what type of heels worn by the woman. Some other forms of Tango include international Tango, Salon, Apliado, and Tango Nuevo.

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