Who Am I? By: Jason Le

I chose him because I have anger management issues and charizard can be a pretty fierce.

My name is Jason Le. I like solving Rubik's cubes and skateboarding. A lot of people came to me when they need therapy. I usually listen to country and metal music. I also listen to rap and pop occasionally. I'm also Vietnamese and Cambodian. I may be two Asian races, but I speak more Vietnamese than Cambodian.

I chose a picture of a red flag because red in a way represents anger and danger.

My friends see me as that one thug Asian that gets in trouble a lot. Society sees me as another person until they see the things I do and get amazed. My parents see me as a good kid that made bad choices. My parents say I'm a smart kid but I made bad choices in my life. Everyone sees me in a different way, but I respect all of it.

I like this because in a way I have a side my family never sees and a side my friends never see.

When I'm at home I treat my family different from my friends. I have more respect for my family. I don't cuss at them and I show more respect. My friends I cuss all the time but that's because they are my friends they aren't blood. They aren't family so I don't show as much respect. Don't get me wrong I do consider them my second family. I may not treat my friends and family the same, but I still have respect for both of them.

I put this because I want to be a construction manager and/or architecture.

When I grow up I want to become a construction manager or a architecture. The life I want to have is not a rich life but also not a poor life. I want a life where I make just enough money to make it through life without to much trouble. I strive to be a great person but not a super known person, I just want to be known as a good person by my friends and family. I'm not a great person now, but in the future I'll change my act.

I chose this because it's a family of 4 cats

I'm the younger brother of a sister named Melinda. I'm also the son of two divorced parents. I'm as student of Brandeis High School and Alternative High School. I'm currently a employee of no place. I don't currently work, so I don't make money.


Created with images by Stewart_Whaley - "Charmander_003_Charizard" • rightee - "Red Flag" • Unsplash - "empire state building new york city skyscraper" • salmonboy - "cats black silhouette"

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