Text as Art Michael Kondo


The scorpion I created for my final composition was inspired by the television series "Scorpion". I don't necessarily watch the show but as I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, an advertisement for the show appeared. After I experienced the epiphany, I knew that the insect scorpion would be a really slick design for this project.

Most images of the scorpion were fairly similar so I chose one image in particular to mimic some ideas. In order to figure out which letters would resemble each feature of the scorpion, I had to look into detail with each letter's linear properties. For instance, identifying the curvature of a letter and how that could be incorporated into the shape of a specific part of the body. Ultimately, I used the letter "S" for the tail, "C" for the arms, "O" for the main body, and P for the bottom legs. Fine-edged letters, a contrasting property to the rounded letters, were used for the "sharp-like" features of the scorpion. Letters like "N" and "R" were used for its pincers and chelicera (mouth) which are sharp in nature.

After I completed my scorpion vector on Illustrator, I noticed that some areas looked bland and could've been improved with more detail. The stinger in particular was one that could've used a bit more detail. I initially had it so that the "S's" were connected by the ends and curved upwards. I wasn't satisfied with the look because it made the tail look too big and also lacked in consistency in terms of a repetitive pattern similar to the other parts of the body. I modified it so that the "S's" were interlocking with each other. This not only made the tail look more realistic, but it also made the curvature of the tail more noticeable.

In the end, I was very pleased as to how the final design turned out. If I were to choose my favourite part of the vector, it would have to be the tail. I think that the tail turned out really well after a few adjustments to make it look a bit more intricate. I would like to continue using these skill that I utilized whilst working on this project for future tasks. I believe that it's a creative approach on creating any piece such as a logo by manipulating letters to form a specific configuration.

Research Photos


Three Comps

Comprehensive Drawing

Scorpion Text

Created By
Michael Kondo

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