Protest Art Its forms and impact on the civil rights movement

During the civil rights movement, a popular way of peaceful protest was art. You could say that there were two types of art protest back then. One was graffiti, the type of graffiti you see on buildings and streets was the type of art used to express anger. Graffiti art is the peaceful type of art that you could see as murals on streets or on a canvas.

Art by (left) Banksy. (Right) Jacob Lawrence

The picture on the right is the most peacful way of conveying a message through art. Whenever you would see a mural like this on a street, the point of it would be to make you think. Think about wether what you believe in or what everyone believes in.

The picture on the left, similar to the right picture, is also to make you think about societies beliefs and opinions. The difference between the two pictures is that the left one is graffiti rather than a piece of art used in a museum. The picture on the left conveys that when slavery was abolished, it was said that black people can now, "follow their dreams." Even though slavery was abolished and blacks were, "free" that was not the case at all. This graffiti piece was created by a famous graffiti artist who goes by the name, "Banksy."

Vandalism promoting black power, an idea of retaliation.

This picture would not be a way of peacful protest through art. This is not art nor is Ist peacful at all. Anger has always been a way to express your feelings on society. Ever since Malcom X's idea of using violence like white people did to fight back has engraved a message in our history. That is why there will always be people like these that wants to portray anger and fear.

Protest in art is a creative and smart way to make people think and question the wrongs in our society that we have been desensitized to. There are different types of protest art like peacful mural art, peaceful vandalism (graffiti), and even vandalism. Obviously, protest art is a very effective way to express yourself and your ideas

Created By Cameron LaPierre.

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