China Destanee | Kadir 3rd period | Briefing book

-China is approximately 3.7 million square feet. It is the worlds 4th largest country. The geography is very diverse: it is wet and tropical in the south, with many rain-forests ; there are river deltas, hills, and plains in the east and deserts, high plateaus, and mountains in the west. The Himalayas are also located in the west, along with some of thw highest mountains in the world.


The Turpan Depression is the lowest point in China, which lies at -154 meters below sea level. There is also the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, where it stands as the 3rd largest River in the world.

Yangtze River
Yellow River


China has experienced fast growth in the last two decades which has landed them at the second largest economy in the world. There economy is mostly un-free and there is little room for reform. The trade is only moderately important to their economy.


China's Major Products


China Trading Partners


Zhang Zhen was a General of the People's Liberation Army. He was also a member of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China.
Guo Boxiong was a retired General of the People's Liberation Army. He also served as the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission..
Xi Jinping is a current General Secretary of China. He was also the President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of Central Military Commission.
Chang Wanquan was the minister of Defense and State Counselor of the People's Republic of China and a General in the People's Liberation Army.
Fang Fenghui is a general in the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China. He currently serves as the chief of joint staff and a member of the Central Military Commission.


  • China has an approximate population of 1.4 billion.
Religions in China as of 2010


Manpower Available: 750,000,000 ; Fit-for-Service: 619,000,000 ; Attack Aircraft: 1,385 ; Tank Strength: 9,150 ; Aircraft Carriers: 1 ; Submarines: 68 ; Annual Defense Budget: $155,600,000,000 ; Square Land Area: 9,596,961 km

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