Riding 1 girl, 2 ponies, 1 story

A good story always starts somewhere... right? So this one starts with 2 ponies, 1 girl and more people and ponies that will take a while to write down, but this isn't the purpose of the story, our main focus is this 1 girl and her 2 ponies...

The chestnut mare stood peacefully in the field, eyes partly closed with the sun beating down on her shiny amber back just across was a light palomino pony her coat shining a gorgeous golden colour. "Ponies," Em called out across the field, both the mares ears twitched "come on ponies." Two mares trotted up the field towards her, tails fanning out behind them. As they reached the top the two ponies stopped snorting and pawing at the ground. "Alright,alright." Em laughed as the impatient ponies demanded for their breakfast. She slipped both of the headcollars over their slight noses and over their ears. The ponies took to walking in front of the girl partly dragging her up to their stables.

Slipping their headcollars off and bolting shut the doors Em set to making the feeds, using the scoop to measure out the chaff, pony nuts and sugarbeet out into the two bowls. Measuring also the salt and giving it a quick mix. She put the bowls into the mare's stables and smiled to herself, thinking how lucky she was to own the two most beautiful ponies in the world.

That morning there was lots of jobs to be done, the annual Rose farm one day event was the next day and both ponies were taking place with Em riding them. Em set to getting all the yard jobs done,she put up hay nets, filled up water buckets, poo picked the stables, filled up hay nets and swept the cobbled yard. With a sigh she settled herself down on a hay net and got her phone out of her pocket, the blistering hot sun shone down onto the screen making it almost impossible to read any notifications. She could see that the time was 10 o'clock by glancing at her purple watch. There was just enough time for a 10 minute break. She retrieved her bag and went to sit in the tack room away from the glare of the sun, she ate her way through a packet of crisps and opened her can of Fanta before starting on preparing for the show the next day, she cleaned saddles and bridles until they gleamed, packed all the show tack and equipment into the horse lorry making sure everything was ready, she then set to work getting the ponies ready. Starting with Buttons, she brushed her soft golden coat until it shined and brushed her mane until it was soft like silk. Moving on she went into Gem's stable, the mare was at the back of the stable munching sleepily on a hay net, she flickered an eye at Em and gave a soft whicker acknowledging she was there. "Hello Gem," Em spoke softly to the mare as she started brushing the mares beautiful chestnut coat moving on to her mane and tail making sure there was not a speck of dirt or any tangle of mane or tail. Satisfied that both ponies were ready for the next day she put on both their light fleeces and fed them before turning them out into the field, watching them canter off tails fanning out behind them.

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