Crime and Criminals in the Victorian Era By Maddy Sotelo

There was no police system crime and murders were sort of an everyday thing, no one really cared. Until the national government took control andand established a police unit for London
One of the mayjor criminals was Jack the Ripper he wasn't the cleanest of killers. He was never caught and only murdered 5 women who were all prostitues. He was one of the most widely known across England. He was also known as The Whitechapel Killer.
Crimes were widely expressed through drawing an exaggerated in many different ways. People often found them as entertaining stories and people tried to do it themselves. Life in London was dull and crimes were the entertainment system for everyone.

Crimes and criminals slowly went down and the law was established. London who once had dirty streets, were now clean and controlled. The criminals and crimes committed in London were far worse than the one s people commit today in England.

Created By
Maddy Sotelo

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