Civil rights movement Malachai p

Dr. Martin Luther king jr was one of the greatest at representing the civil rights movement.
Rosa parks is a great example of the civil rights movement because she refused to move seats
Malcom X (1925-1965) was a black leader who ,as a key spokes men for the Nation of Islam, emitomized the " black power" philosophy
Bob Moses spent four years working on a voter registration In Mississippi and played a crucial role In organizing the 1964 " freedom summer " campaign
James Chaney (1943--1964) was an African American volunteer in the "freedom summer" voter registration drive
In march 1965, under pressure from civil rights leaders, president Lyndon Johnson commanded governor Wallace to mobileize Alabamas nation guard units to protect Selma marchers
Huey P. Newton (1942-1989) was one of the fathers of the black panther party for self defense.
James Meredith (1933-) was a student at the all black Jackson state college who became the first black student to enroll at a all white university of Mississippi
Bobby seale (1937-) is one of the founders of the black panther party for self defense
Some Civil rights historians claim that he reelection of Richard M. Nixon in 1972 signaled the death of the movement


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