What is good food? Good food is home grown, natural, and humane.

Home grown food doesn't have any pesticides or GMO's making food more beneficial and nutritious to our bodies.
Having humanely grown and raised food makes for a healthier and happier crop which in turn gives us more of a happier lifestyle.
Growing your own crop gives the family a hobby to enjoy together and fulfills the lesson of where food comes from and how to have a healthier lifestyle.
Growing foods without GMO's gives our bodies more nutrition instead of making it confused on the wrong particles it doesn't need.
GMO's are in 80% of all US packaged foods and vegetables. Some of these packages are not even labeled.
Keeping GMO's out of our food sources can help make a difference with weight problems, especially since 3/4 of our GMO products have high fructose corn syrup mixed in with packaging.
Large scale animal factories often give animals antibiotics to promote growth, or to compensate for illness resulting from crowded conditions. These antibiotics enter the environment and the food chain.
Most factory farmed hogs and chickens have no access to outdoors and never see sunlight. Beef cattle and Dairy cows spend time outside, but they are confined to feedlots with no access to pasture or grass, which is what they are built to eat.
The lack of outdoor access and, inability to express natural behaviors, health problems and stress, caused by production practices, and breeding designed to maximize production takes a toll on animal welfare.
Organic plants have greater metabolic and structural integrity in their cellular structure than conventional crops. Which enables storage of organic food for a longer time.


Created with images by db Photography | Demi-Brooke - "untitled image" • DGlodowska - "raspberry fruits fresh" • LoboCrzz - "cow field animals" • Akuppa - "Garden" • elizadean - "blue blueberry delicious" • Unsplash - "barley cereal grain" • jill111 - "blueberries cream dessert" • goranmx - "strawberries berries fruit" • Salvation Army USA West - "Healthy food pantry options" • gribbly - "DSC_0054-54.jpg" • HarmonyCenter - "cumulus clouds dramatic"

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