
白宮宣佈徹查武漢疫情 【中英對照翻譯】

來源:International Business Times, February 6, 2020

作者:Arthur Villasanta

新聞翻譯:InAHurry and TCC

快報;白宮科學技術政策辦公室(OSTP)主任Kelvin Droegemeier去函代表美國科學國家科學院集結智慧庫的美國國家科學,工程和醫學研究院(NASEM)的院長們,調查目前正在引起世界各地的疾病,死亡和恐慌的新型冠狀病毒(2019-nCoV)的真實起源。這是反映最近俄羅斯政府和俄羅斯社交媒體提出關於美國將冠狀病毒開發為攻擊和削弱中國的武器的指控。

白宮科學技術政策辦公室(OSTP)主任Kelvin Droegemeier

Coronavirus Update: White House Steps In To 'Rapidly' Investigate Origins Of NCov



  • Fake news claims the U.S. created and unleashed the Wuhan coronavirus on China
  • U.S. scientists have been called on to refute this conspiracy theory
  • White House asks experts to "rapidly" investigate the origins of the virus


  • 假新聞聲稱: 美國在中國製造並釋放了武漢冠狀病毒
  • 美國科學家被要求駁斥這一陰謀論
  • 白宮要求專家“迅速”調查該病毒的來源

The presidents of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), which represents the collective genius in the scientific national academies of the United States, have agreed to investigate the true origins of the Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) currently causing disease, death and panic throughout the world.


Marcia McNutt, president of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), has received a letter from Kelvin Droegemeier, director of the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). The letter requests American scientific experts to "rapidly" look into the origins of the virus in order to address both the current spread, and "to inform future outbreak preparation and better understand animal/human and environmental transmission aspects of coronaviruses."

美國國家科學院(NAS)主席Marcia McNutt已收到白宮科學技術政策辦公室(OSTP)主任Kelvin Droegemeier的來信。這封信要求美國科學專家“迅速”調查病毒的起源,以解決當前的傳播問題,並“為將來的疫情暴發做好準備,並對冠狀病毒在動物/人類和環境的傳播方面更進一步了解”。

Droegemeier also called for a "meeting of experts, particularly world class geneticists, coronavirus experts, and evolutionary biologists."


In response to Droegemeier's letter, the presidents of the three scientific academies comprising NASEM submitted a synopsis of their research into the Wuhan coronavirus, as 2019-nCoV is also known. They called Droegemeier's request "timely given the declaration of a public health emergency and potential for misinformation to confound the response."


The internet is awash with fake news about the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus. Especially damaging to the U.S. are allegations fanned by the Russian government and Russian social media the U.S. developed the coronavirus as a weapon to attack and weaken China.


Russia's intelligence services are apparently behind a well-coordinated social media campaign to blame the U.S. for creating and unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus on the world. They assert 2019-nCoV is an American biowarfare weapon developed by U.S. scientists.


Western intelligence sources quoted by media said posts blaming the U.S. for attacking China with 2019-nCoV first began appearing on pro-Russia social media outlets such as VK (VKontakte) and Topcor.ru. The fake news has now spread to traditional Russian news media organizations such as Pravda and Izvestia and state propaganda platforms.


A Russian website called Katushya.org says the People's Liberation Army (PLA), China's armed forces, is claiming the coronavirus was artificially produced in U.S. laboratories with the goal of destroying China from within. The website contends the outbreak is a U.S. bioweaponry reconnaissance operation aimed at testing the capabilities of Chinese biological weapons defenses.


The United States has 12 confirmed cases of the Novel coronavirus

