The Bigger Picture

School hasn't always been my favorite thing in the world, but I am thankful for what it has taught me over the years. I personally am not the most outgoing student nor do I have astounding academic abilities but I do use the skills I learn on a regular basis. This class and past classes will help for the rest of my life, I'm not exactly sure what the future holds for me but I know that eventually I will figure something out.

Throughout my high school career I've been faced with many difficult challenges, for example freshman year was an absolute disaster. I never focused in class and was caught up in a mischievous group of friends. Eventually I was able to mature and realize what was going on but that won't change my current academic situation and the struggle it has been to catch up. Freshman year might have been difficult, but the nothing could've prepared me for the challenge of trying to figure out what I want to do after school. It seems like everyone has their lives all planned out and then there's me. I've enjoyed the four years I've spent in high school and I'm thankful for everyone that helped me through it. Parents and teachers often stress the importance of a good education and how we need a plan for the rest of our lives.

College is a big step in life, you will technically be starting from square one. You meet new people and take new classes, you are in a sense living on your own which can be troubling for some. Personally I feel as if college will help me become more independent and help me grow as not only a student but as a person in general. This class in particular has helped me out substantially when referring to my writing skills, not only has it made me more confident in my writing abilities but it as also allowed me to voice my personal opinions. After talking to some of my older friends that attend college I've learned that next year I will be required to write numerous papers relating to a majority of my classes which is another reason I am extremely grateful for taking this class because it allowed me to prepare for some of the future assignments I will receive.

College gives many anxiety but it excites me, I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life and embrace any future challenges I might face.

Communication is one of the other major skills I've mastered due to this class. A select few of the class assignments have required us to physically participate in class whether that be with a fellow classmate or talking in front of the class. I remember freshman year I was absolutely terrified to get up in front of the class to give a presentation, but this class has truly helped me to conquer that fear. This will help me later on in life due to the fact that I will be faced with the task communicating different thoughts and ideas to my fellow classmates and coworkers.

In my personal opinion writing takes a substantial amount of patience which is something that I generally don't have. This class has allowed me to work on my patience level and has made a difference not only in regards to school but also in the outside world. This class has taught us all life long skills along with educational values that we will forever remember and use on a regular basis.

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