NYC🗽 Wandering in an urban jungle

Statue of Liberty
Scenes over East river
Brooklyn Bridge that trapped the Godzilla!!

Walking over Brooklyn bridge.. Iconic structure!!

Financial district. Wall street
Trinity church.. Oldest witnessing American revolution.

The Mighty One World Trade Center

9:11 Memorial

Ground Zero of the demolished WTC

Amazing NYC skyline view on a sunny day
A view at NYC from New Jersey port
The iconic Empire State building which was built in an year!! Woah 😲
Thats 4 storeys beneath the ground level. WTC sub way station
Just a warm up on a roof top with a full view of Empire state building
Vibrant Christmas lights of Broadway street
The radiant Times Square.
Christmas lights everwhere
An antique store even Sotheby's would envy
St Patricks Cathedral
Gothic architecture at its best.
Inside the Trump tower
Statue of Atlas at Rockefeller building

Bustling streets of Times Square

Vast networks of the New york subway
Veins and arteries of the city. City sub way
Created By
Pradeep Kumar Chimirala

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