Paul Joseph Fronczak the unsolved mystery kidnapping

The Beginning

Paul was stolen at the age of 36 hours old from a lady posing as a nurse, telling the mother, who was holding Paul that the doctor needs to examine the baby, then she was was gone with the baby, and no one has seen Paul since he was 36 hours old.

Summarized Facts

The Fronczak family's emotions about the kidnapping of their baby were bursting into flames. A year later they found a baby that supposedly looked like their baby. The Fronczak family were so happy that they found there baby, but they had to adopt him because they didn't know if he was their real baby or not because they didn't have DNA testing in the mid-1960s. In either 2011 or 2012 Paul at the age of 49 went out to the drug store and bought a DNA kit. His parents agreed to have their cheeks swabbed along with himself, but before he knew it, the DNA test reveals that he is not the real Paul Joseph Fronczak. Later that month he emailed his non-biological parents what the DNA test revealed. His parents emotions were bursting with flames all over again. The man that was thought to be the real Paul wants to know his real age/birthday, where he is from, and all the missing details from his life along with finding the real him.

About Me

Hi, my name is Connor and I am not a expert on the kidnapping of Paul Fronczak, but I amazingly am just someone with a huge interest on this mystery. This page on the kidnapping will tell you information on what really happened to the real Paul on the day of the founding of the unknown mystery child the Fronczak family has found, and what is concluded after that. Later on after reading, please take time to think about your own conclusions about the kidnapping of the real Paul J. Fronczak.

My Theories/Conclusions

I think that the lady posing as a nurse either kept Paul to herself and raise him with a different name, or I believe she might have murdered this baby. I think the unknown child they found in a storefront in New Jersey is gonna keep searching for his real parents and why they abandoned him, and to try his best to find the real him.

Story of the kidnapping in photos below


Created with images by basykes - "Baby" • Newtown grafitti - "kidnap" • TaniaVdB - "baby tears small child" • voltamax - "nurse medicine doctor" • Alex McClung - "Abandoned" • jill111 - "fireworks silhouette fourth of july" • i_yudai - "Calender" • TenSafeFrogs - "DNA kit!" • stevepb - "hands old typing" • hacky - "jochem in mama's handen" • Scott McLeod - "Question Mark Cookies 3" • Hans - "glasses read learn"

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