Judaism Madelyn Sinkevicius

Judaism is one of many middle east religions. The religion started 2000BC, in the middle east, when God called to Abraham. Abraham is known as the Father or Judaism. Judaism was the first religion to believe in one God. There are four parts of Judaism, Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist. Orthodox is most popular.

Rise of Judaism

The Jews had a holy book called The Torah. It was the old testament. They believed God had a Covenant for them. God would send a messiah down to remove them for exile and provide peace. Rabbis are chosen to interpret the bible for the Jews.

Menorah and Dreidels for Hanukkah

Jewish people celebrate many holidays including Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, bar mitzvah, or bat mitzvah. Yom Kippur is the most popular, it is when they do not eat or drink for 25 hours.


Created By
Madelyn Sinkevicius


Created with images by Catedrales e Iglesias - "Templo San Francisco el Grande,Cuauhtémoc,Ciudad de México." • Terry Babij - "Chanukah 7th night 2011-5772"

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