El BAM MexicaIn



Jarritos Soda------------------------------------------------------------------------------$2.25

Jarritos Flavors: Mandarin, Lime, Strawberry, MXCN Cola, Grapefruit, Tamarind, Guava, Fruit Cocktail, Pineapple, Mango, Jamaica


Orange Juice-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$1.50

Apple Juice--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$1.50



Mini Chimichangas ------------------------------------------------ --------------- $ 5.00 Riffs on classic Mexican appetite with this fried and flaky intake with a filling of corn, salsa, grated chicken and processed cheeseulet râpé et de fromage fondu.

Mini crispy chicken tacos --------------------------------------------- --------------- $ 4.50 Roll grated chicken in a tortilla of corn and sauté until browned. Garnish with a freshly prepared salsa, a Mexican cream shrimp and a sprinkling of soft frescoes. aspersion de fresques douces.

Chicken, Spinach and Pepper Jack Enchiladas ------------------------------------- $ 7.50 Tortillas Knitted with sweet onion, green chiles, cream cheese, shredded Jack cheddar, and more in this easy Mexican aperitif, suggests henceforth to consume green salsa (fresh or purchased).

Soupe mexicaine crémeuse à la citrouille-----------------------------------------------$4.25 Ce bol nourrissant mélange une purée de citrouille lisse avec du lait de cajou et ajoute de la chaleur à la cannelle, au chili en poudre, au paprika fumé et au poivre de Cayenne.


Ground beef Taco ---------------------------------------------- --------- $ 15.00 Ground beef, tomato, lettuce, chest

Taco with shrimp ---------------------------------------------- $ 15.00 Shrimp, salsa and tce

Cajun Tacco Code ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- $ 15.00 Cajun delicious and moist scrub on a nicely juicy fish

Chicken, Chili and Cheese Quesadillas ------------------------------------- $ 17.00 Top quesadillas with Cheese with a homemade salsa that gets hot sauce (try chipotle or Mexican green chili sauce).



Ice Cream----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$2.00

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