On the Beach at Night Alone by walt whitman


Beginning with the title, Walt Whitman frequently utilizes symbolism in poetry, "On the Beach at Night Alone." The beach represents standing on the shore of afterlife. The ocean is an unknown expanse. That is how people find heaven. Night symbolizes death. walt whitman uses the powerful connection of the universe and nature thought a parallel structure to portray that we're all helplessly dependent and entirely connected. he's use of symbols with some use of figurative language and use of imagery. Later he discusses humanity. Language choices are lurid though referencing commonly beliefs in several religions; wherein, friends and family are consecrated and bound to the church through marriage in order to maintain an eternal bond. he's uses of "All" is meant to show the internal connection of everything on earth and in the universe.


Created with images by benibeny - "sunset sea ocean" • Diana Boucino - "nebula" • rihaij - "eiskristalle soap bubble winter" • DonkeyHotey - "Yin Yang - Symbol"

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