If you plan to visit Vietnam

You will meet a lot of friendly people with smile on their faces
If you plan to visit Vietnam, you can enjoy a lot of good foods.
If you eat too much, you will need to find something to do to exercise your body.
If you need to exercise, you may want to try sailing the boat in Vietnam.
If you sail the boat, you may be exhausted.
If you are exhausted, you might want to listen to some Vietnamese country music.
If you listen to Vietnamese country music, you will feel sleepy.
If you are sleepy, you should try some black coffee in Vietnam.
If you are still sleepy, you will go to bed.
If you go to bed, you will boost your energy.


Created with images by Neville Wootton Photography - "Mai Chau Valley paddy field worker and bicycle" • GDV's pictures - "Vietnam" • veritatem - "bánh xèo" • RyanMcGuire - "running sprint cinder-track" • Nguyen Vu Hung (vuhung) - "Chèo thuyền ở Tràng An DLL_6747" • jamie neely - "Exhausted" • manhhai - "Mộc Lan hát với Ban Tiếng Tơ Đồng - nguồn ảnh: bia lưng Tạp chí Thế Giới Tự Do tập 17 số 6 (1968)" • dee & tula monstah - "sleepy dog" • Jonathan Rubio - "Coffee Time" • Boy27wonder - "Sleep" • janie.hernandez55 - "Hydroelectric Energy"

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