Boom to Bust by:taylor massey

These were flappers in the 1920's they rebelled by wearing shorter clothes and going out and drinking.
Most women worked at home and didn't have real jobs out in the cities in the 1920's.

There was a great amount of change in the era for women. In the 20’s women went out all the time for meals, and barley cooked. Also in the 20’s women had jobs as did their husbands to support their going out all the time lifestyle. Then in the 30’s that all changed people believed that women should work at home to cook and watch the children. In the 20’s women could support themselves and buy all this nice clothes for themselves but in the 20’s they gave up their jobs to help at home, so they couldn't afford all this nice stuff for themselves anymore. So a lot changed in the era for women. (114)

In the 1920's stockbrokers made so much money like in this photo people were probably going in on a margin so they could make more money, but that just made the economy more inflated.
This is probably a staged photo for the news paper around the 1930's to show how badly the stockbrokers were doing during the depression they lost everything.

Stockbrokers were the first to make money and first to lose it which was a pretty good representation of them throughout this era. Just as much as the economy suffered they suffered right along with it. In the 1920’s though life was fantastic because they made so much money and were living great lives. stocks boomed which meant a lot of business for them. Then in the 1930’s when the great depression came along they were the first to lose being millions in debt because no one could pay back the money they owed. So stockbrokers lost really badly in the 1930’s. (102)

Everything was going bad for the farmers in the 1920's the government didn't help them with anything they just left them their to suffer.
They were still suffering in the 1930's like with the dust bowl, but what was better was that the government actually started to improve and help farmers.

Farmers suffered throughout the 1920’s and the 1930’s even though things were looking up in the 30’s. The reason everything was bad in the 20’s was because government didn’t help anyone because of the Laissez-faire policy, the reason that policy was in place was because president Hoover believed that the government shouldn’t interfere with business. Then in the 1930’s when new president Roosevelt stepped into office everything started to turn around Roosevelt had an idea about relief recovery reform which helped everyone out including the farmers. Even though the farmers were suffering and had suffered the greatest and for the longest things were turning around for the best.(109)

African Americans loved listening to jazz and going out to see it in the 1930's
Though African Americans didn't go out to see it as much they still enjoyed listening to it maybe on a radio in the 1930's

African Americans listened to jazz throughout the 1920’s and the 1930’s, it was a popular trend for there culture at the time. Even through The Great Depression jazz was still big I think people listened to jazz throughout this time period to get their spirits up and get their mind off things. Even though people may have stopped going out to listen to jazz they still listened to it on the radio, the reason they stopped going out to hear jazz is because of how badly the economy was doing and how little money everyone had.(96)

Created By
Taylor Massey

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