women's suffrage by willis bickford

  • women's suffrage movement began in 1848 , when the first women's rights convention was held in Seneca Falls , NY.
  • over the next several years women tried to educate the public about the validity of women's suffrage.
  • over time women realized that in order to achieve reform, they need to win the right to vote.
  • in the 20th century leadership of the suffrage movement passed to two organizations, NAWSA (national American women suffrage accotioation)and the NWP (national women's party).
  • in 1920, due to the combine efforts of the NAWSA and NAP, the 19th amendment enfranchising women, was finally ratified.

The first women's petition was led by Barbara Bodichon and Emilia Boucheretto.

Elizabeth Cady Staton and Lucretia Mott, both Quackers traveled to London as representatives to the World Anti Slavery convention.

Alice Paul was arrested in Bermondsey South London in 1909 when protesting against the Prominent liberal cabinet Minister.

Alice Paul moved to Washington D.C. in 1912 to work for NAWSA in pushing for federal suffrage amendment of the constitution.

In 1917 the "Silent Sentinels" stood outside the gates of the White House in Washington with banners of accusing questions aimed towards the president.


Created with images by BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives - "National Council of Women at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, Ontario / Le Conseil national des femmes à Rideau Hall, Ottawa (Ontario)" • Me in ME - "Womens' Voting Rights Pioneers"

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