TV Production Esther

Comparison of Happy days with the recent Canadian TV show, the Next step

Cutting between shots was slower in Happy Days, Change of settings (The next step was a purpose built set), Talking head shot (position person left or right of frame), Teen drama - Next step, camera angles to show emotions, Reality TV show based, different stereotypes

Different roles

In the Control Room

Director, Vision mixer, Sound mixer, PA

In the Studio Floor

Camera operators (x3), Floor manager + Assistant FM, Other assistants

Cultivation Theory

Published in 1976, 2 people were trying to find out how media (specifically television) influences the audience's life

Mean World Syndrome

People who watch TV regularly are more likely to be affected by media messages. People who what it a lot are exposed to violence and are effected the Mean World Syndrome more.

Gives the Audience of a negative world view: Suspense, melancholic music, Lens flare at the start, silhouettes and shadows, dark setting, everything happened slowly to contrast the panic that happened later, use of colours: the lights were the only colourful things, character wearing black leather gloves: associated with violence, no emotion at all - very cold, jump-cuts show that unpredictable things will happen.

Audience Research

Analyse data to understand trends, Understand the situation (why are they doing it), Demographics (group by age/gender/a factor), Interests and trends, Environment, Needs, Customisation, Expectations

Tips in 60 seconds (how to find your audience)

  1. Don't stereotype
  2. Have a good set of talent for show
  3. Good PR (public relations)
  4. Attracting programme titles
  5. Put yourself in the audience's shoes
  6. Decide on what atmosphere or mood you want to create
  7. Identify your target audience

good example of a qualitative interview

Detailed understanding of a central phenomenon
  • Eye contact
  • Give a purpose at the start
  • Connect with subject
  • Ask for permission
  • Ask short questions
  • Listen carefully
  • Broad open questions
  • Don't steer to answer questions / influence interviewer
  • Give time for interviewee to think about her answer
  • Make sure interviewee talks more than interviewer

Characteristics of a quantitative survey

Description of trends / explains variable realtionships
  • Specific closed questions
  • Unbiased
  • Analyse number using statistics
  • Collects data from participants

Primary reasearch


More complex, In-depth exploration, one-to-one talks with active industry players and observers, focus on prospect companies

Secondary Research (Desk Research)

indirect - It involves using information that others have gathered through primary RESEARCH

Easier to conduct, broad understanding, obtained from public sources, focus on markets, preparation for primary research

It can be broken down into internal secondary data and external secondary data

Advantages: Achieved quickly, helps us to shape our research questions, low cost

Disadvantages: Not as specific, takes time to extract our the useful information from the bunch of text, reliability and quality of reaserach

how 2 search

Boolean search terms: use 'cat' , hk+Cat+rescue
Library resources: books, search websites

More about media convergence

The beginning (vinyl records, books, news) , Digital revolution (books, news and mag are found on computers, media production is faster and cheaper), pictures could be shared, everything can be accessed on one device.

What i learnt from the clip: the machine is us/ing us (final version)

I learnt the importance of studying social media because it is always changing and it is getting more and more convenient for us but after watching the video I wonder if that change is really benefiting us, or is it affecting our lives gravely?

Participatory culture

Taste-makers (elite) ➵ media producers

Audience ➵ BEFORE largely passive than one-direction flow , but NOW, part producers, part consumers, co-creators, multipliers

Cycle: Producers → Artefact → Audience

Slacktivists vs Activists

Slacktivists: you support the cause but you don't do anything about it

Activists: you use campaigns to bring political or social change + commit time and effort

The hp Alliance

Harry potter fandom, a social goal that people want to see (eg. donation of book), slight humour,

My group and I were focusing on Desk Research. We came up with some questions about teenager's use of social media and found out the answers to them. In this way, it could help us know some methods to spread our TV programme.


This is my letter for my Role Application form. I have applied for Vison Mixer.
I'm really happy I got the job :')

It is translated into a lot of different languages, strong reputation of diversity of teenagers in a way that challenges stereotypes (eg. ethnic minority characters)


Channel fragmentation: an increase in the number of mass of media outlets over the last few decades
Audience fragmentation: The division of audiences into smaller groups as a result of variety of media outlets
Time shifting & Place Shifting: the way in which audience watches TV/media is a lot more flexible and they get more choice - they can choose when and where they consume television on demand
Mean World Syndrome: the belief that the world is a far worse and dangerous place than it actually isC
COnvergence: Different platforms can be done on a single device
Quantitiative reserach: Wuantitative reaserch measures exact acmounts and generates numerical data (pie chart graphs etc %)
Consumer: dead end, one way flow
Multiplier: someone who will treat the good, service or experience as a starting point// An alternative definition of the ‘media consumer’. Acknowledges how in the digital age, audiences are no longer passive. They add value to the media artefact by involving others (e.g. remixing). They multiply value in collective acts of construction (e.g. wikis). They further multiply by using their connections and networks to publicize innovation (e.g. sharing).


Qualitative Research: QUALITATIVE methods gather opinions and generate much less precise numerical data)
Digital natives: a demographic group who are brought up during the age of digital technology so are familiar with computers and internet from an early age
Spreadable media: media which travels across meida platforms because people share it
Viral media: multipliers srpreading media
360 Degree commissioning: programmes are not only on tv but online, mobile and multiplatform too
This is our Cue title script and we base what we do on this. Its the structure and flow of how things go.
This was 4 of us (the PA, Vison Mixer, Director and Sound Mixer) working together in the studio. It was a really fun experience, but I found it quite stressful to work under stressful conditions.
I had a really big screen with all the camera visuals, pre-recorded videos, all types of buttons and at first, learning it was confusing but slowly, I got the hang of using it afterwards. It was quite tricky being in the middle of Katherine (PA) and Cordelia (Director) and listening to what they say at the same time. Then, entering the right commands onto the Tri-Caster was relieving when the final product seemed correct. I made some mistakes because I couldn't operate it properly.
In this photo, you can see how confused I look. I was asking Abby to teach me how the transitions work.

Overall, I think this was a really exciting experience and I would want to do this again and try not to mess up my part. I still feel really bad for accidentally putting the Thank You (credits) slide onto the wrong part. But it was so fun and every moment was worth repeating. Working with new people turned out well and also I found out the importance of trusting each group member will do their job.

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