Plebeians and Patricians Katie stokes

Higher and lower right seemed unfair to some. Plebeians also known as the lower class member of society were merchants farmers and craft workers. Plebeians also known as plebs were very similar to African Americans slaves in the U.S. Patricians also known as pats were very wealthy and had little work which their slaves did for them.

To start off with, plebs were farmers. They made much of the food the patricians ate. Plebs were known as the working class members of society. They had to be tough because they had to suffer with very bad conditions. Many African American slaves were forced to farm many foods or cotton that provided their owners with very beautiful clothing. Plebeians were also known as craft workers. If the patricians needed something, the plebeians would make it. Finally, plebs could be merchants. Plebeians kids had no say in their future, they had to follow the job that his or her father was in. For example, if a father was a farmer, his so would be to.

To add on, in the higher class was the patricians. All of the pats were very wealthy. They could afford many high luxury items. In the 1600s to 1900s many African American slave owners were able to afford many high priced items of the best of the best. Many pat kids were spoiled with toys and gifts with their own bedrooms. While plebeian kids were even lucky to have a bed, much less a bedroom. Pats had very little work. They spent their time hosting large banquets in their villas. Villas were magnificent houses that pats lived in. They owned slaves so they would have a sense of power and on the other hand, the slaves would do all the work for them.

Last but not least, patricians and plebeians made an impact on our history to. There were slaves in Rome and America. Both of them were badly torcherd and severely mistreated. They were torcherd to the death. Both slaves and plebeians had no rights and no say in government. They were disliked by their owners and other civilians. In the United States, the Civil War broke out in 1861 to 1865. The north won, while around 400 BCE , war broke out between the plebeians and patricians. The plebs got tired of being the lower class, so they fought (protested) for equal rights amoung the people of Rome.As did African Americans did for their rights. These actions is what makes American people who we are today.

To conclude, all was unfair until they had enough and decided To make change. The lower and higher classes became equal and all rights were even. Everyone was at agreement on everyone. Who knows what life would be like if know one stood up and changed the future.

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