The Textile Mill By anastasia ortiz

The textile mill was the most significant change in the 1800's because it created new jobs and provided the ability to create various commodities.
The invention of the textile mill opened up more jobs for people, specifically women, who hadn't previously had the chance to work outside the home.
The mill allowed more people to own better versions of the basic need of clothing.
The change first occurred in 1771 when the mill was first created.
The mill affected the North more and encouraged people to move west.



Created with images by PhotoAtelier - "Lunchboxes" • Boston Public Library - "Bamberg Textile Mills, Bamberg, S. C." • Children's Bureau Centennial - "LC-DIG-nclc-02100 Girls Yarn Mill" • PhotoAtelier - "Three Bags Full" • PhotoAtelier - "Woolen Mill No. 2" • nicolas.boullosa - "rebecca burgess, showing us the process of the spinning wheel" • PhotoAtelier - "Woolen Mill No. 2"

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