Teaching/Coaching By Juan Delagarza

Teacher- the occupation, profession, or work of a teacher

I am interesting in being apart of education because I think it would be fun to interact with the kids. Also I want to be coach, so being a teacher would help with that a lot

A new trend in coaching is trying to be positive. When your coaching a team it is important to stay positive. If your team is not doing the best or things aren't going your way, you need to try to stay positive. Even when you want to yell at your team and punish them, you need to stay positive and pick your team up. A way coaches can stay positive is to look at the good that comes from things. If something goes bad, you can look at it as a learning experience for the players. Teach them what they need to do differently in a positive way so they don't make the same mistake.

Another trend in coaching is how a coach can impact a kid's life. Coaches can be very influential on a kid's life. Coaches can teach kids many life skills and ways to be successful. It is important that they do the right thing and give the kids a positive outlook on life.

Many of peoples best memories come when playing sports. It is important for the coach to not ruin the memories for the kids. You need to stay positive.

"The power of positive coaching", 17 Jan 2017 https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/20/the-power-of-positive-coaching/


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