Breaking Down My Walls History

Always clinging on to a part of me that still wants my parents to care I could never be who I truly want. Growing up in a Christian household being gay is a sin that at least my parents didn't think could be fixed but being bisexual, they would strap me to a chair and electrocute me the second I let that word slip out of my mouth. Don't get me wrong my parents are nice and all, as long as you fit their idea of perfect, which I don't. Piercings and tattoos, plus the whole Bi thing, I am my parents definition of perfect, a perfect nightmare. You know the whole "teen phase" where they are rebellious and suicidal and the who depression "phase" because we want attention. I actually went through the opposite, trying to look sweet and like what they wanted me to just so I could breathe! Of course it didn't work, when I was in middle school my friend decided to show our teacher my cuts.

Created By
Gence Moon

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