Chloe's Goal Project English 2 - Period 6

Semester Goal

In this semester, I will maintain a 3.7 or higher GPA throughout all of my classes. I will work harder and continue earning an A or B percentage on my tests, quizzes, and homework assignments. As well as keeping myself on track during my classes and not focusing on irrelevant or unnecessary things.

"Working hard is important, but there is something that matters more: believing in yourself" - Harry Potter

English Goal

This semester in English class, I will continue earning an A class grade by earning nothing lower than an A on my tests. I will grow as a writer by writing with more description so I can earn a better grade on my writings.

“Not a wasted word. This has been a main point to my literary thinking all my life.” —Hunter S. Thompson

High School goal

My high school goal is to continue cheering on the Varsity Cheer team by working hard, getting new skills, improving, and putting in my work. I will stay close to all my real friends by being a great friend and being caring and helpful.

flyers are like iphones. They are good looking, they do cool things and when you drop them, you have a mini heart attack and hope they aren´t broken.

After high school goal

I will stay connected with cheer leading and hopefully become some type of cheer coach by continuing cheer throughout high school as well as college. I want to go to college and earn a degree in a major I really enjoy by focusing on that one thing and making sure that it is what I want to do.

personal growth

I will become a stronger and less relentless person by not letting people take me for granted because I am “ too nice “ and cannot say no. Also, I will become more trustworthy by keeping things to myself and not talk about things.

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. it is not something you learn in school. but if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. - Muhammad Ali

Personal Growth


Created with images by AllAnd - "cat siberian portrait" • Paul. B - "1.February.2012" • quacktaculous - "Pencil N' Paper" • Monica's Dad - "IMG_9773" • 3dman_eu - "white male 3d model isolated" • Viernest - "Cheer Leading in Viña" • cherylholt - "pinky swear friends pinky promise"

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