Exploration One Margaret nutting

1. Are politics accurately portrayed in films?

Do these TV shows and movies portray politics and the presidency correctly? Politics has always been a hot button topic and much of it happens behind closed doors. Can these films accurately describe what is going on behind those doors?

We all know some presidents have had more scandals in their one or two terms than others but did they ever reach this level? Shows like these make us think about what our President could have the power to cover up.

2. Do these films about schools change our expectations about education?

Before high school no one really knows what will happen inside those walls we are only told it will be the best four years or our lives, which we soon find out not to be true at all. These films portray high school in different ways and everyone has a different experience but can any film show what high school is really like?

Were teachers really this enthusiastic in teaching English? All teachers want to affect their students and influence them to live better lives but is this the reality for most under privileged schools?

3. Why do movies influence us to believe that the end of the world is coming?

With the advanced science we have we should understand that the world isint going to end anytime soon but when movies like these are released it alwasy makes people think twice about the future. Can films about the end of the world lead people to think beyond what science can tell us?


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