Computer applications Anna Traverse

Why I took this class

I wanted to better my typing skills and I was interested in how I could use technology to present information in a more unique way. I also wanted to learn how to use different Microsoft office tools such as spreadsheets in Excel. I also enjoyed learning about different aspects about google drive and all of the amenities it has, such as google draw.

The most important thing I learned in this class

The most important thing I learned in this class was the ability to type faster and without looking at the keyboard. It used to take me forever to type projects and papers but now I can type them much quicker and without having to stare at the keyboard. I feel that my typing has improved tremendously and that has helped me not only in this class but also in my English and history classes when I have to do projects or papers.

My three favorite projects in this class

One of my favorite projects that I did in this class was the recipe project. I got to choose my favorite recipes and share them with the class.  I love to share my ideas and opinions with others, and I also love food so this project was really fun. I ended up making one of my friend's recipes and it was really fun. I got to learn how to use PowerPoint to a more advanced level and I found out a lot of cool things that it can do. I learned how to embed a video into a PowerPoint and I also learned how to add my own audio and transition sounds. I loved feeling more confident in my ability to make presentations that displayed my information in a professional way.

Another project that I enjoyed doing was creating my resume. I liked being able to keep all of my accomplishments in one space and it boosted my confidence once I saw everything that I have done. I liked being walked through the steps of creating my resume because it made me feel more confident in what I was putting down. I am really glad that I have something to show possible employers.

I also enjoyed doing a project about college in the beginning of the year. I did this project with a new friend I made this year and it was really fun. It was interesting to look up a school and learn about what classes it offered and when it was established. I also liked seeing pictures of the students at school functions. This project opened my eyes to the next chapter of my life and I am excited to start my journey with all of my amazing

WHy I would take this class again

I would definitely take this class again because I love everything that I have learned. I have enjoyed learning how to type without looking. This has helped me in all of my classes and it has made doing projects and typing papers much easier. I would also recommend this class to peers because I feel that I have learned a lot of new forms of free technology that I can use in the future. I am very pleased with the information that I learned, and I will be using it in all of my future questions.


Created with images by Jamiesrabbits - "Computer" • StartupStockPhotos - "student typing keyboard" • Pexels - "arts and crafts blanket book" • Monikapp - "list sticky notes note"

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