Courtney Skinner BIM 1 period 2

January 4

How was your break and what did you do?

My break was pretty chill, kinda uneventful though. I pretty much stayed in San Marcos during the break. Me and my mother went shopping a lot which for me is always a blast. I was able to Celebrate my best friends birthday with her by staying at her house for 3 days down in Cedar Park. And then Celebrate my mothers birthday. For Christmas I pretty much got everything thing i wanted witch made me elated. I guess overall my brake was pretty great.

January 6

What is the most trouble you have ever given your parents? What is the most enjoyment you have ever given them?

The most trouble I've given them would probably be when me and my friend missed the bus one day after school and we both walked home together. I got home hours later and get in a lot of trouble. Getting into NHS this year would probably be an enjoyment for not only me, but them as well.

January 11

What dream can you conceive? Can you believe it? Can you achieve it?

My dream is to be in the top 25% by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. I believe I can do this because I am already so close to achieving this goal. The way I can achieve this is by continuing to make A's and B's in all my classes; but I also need to so better in my Algebra 2 Pre-AP class if I want to obtain my goal.

January 13

What are you doing this weekend?

On Saturday this weekend I will be at practice for Mountain Biking. We will either be at purgatory trails or at the school depending on rain. Then after practice I will go home and clean the house. Sunday will kinda be my off day for me but I will also start doing my homework for the week.

January 18

How do you decide if you like someone? How do you show interest in them?

I usually decide based of personality. Usually I like to go for people who are similar to me because the connection tends to deepen. Someone will usually know I'm interested in them due to the fact that I will make a constant effort to talk to them.

January 25

Who is your biggest fan?

Honestly my mother is my biggest fan. She has gone threw so much ever since she had me yet she still tries her best to do everything for me. Shes there at every game, every concert, every hospital visit. My mothers love for me grows for me more and more each day. I don't know how I would get by in life without my mother.

January 27

What do you love most about yourself? What do others love about you?

The thing I love most about my self is how outgoing I am. I am able to "fit in" with any group of people as well as make anyone feel welcome. I love meeting new people because I love to expand my knowledge on different cultures and personality's. Others love that I am always happy. Because of this people feel like they can come and talk to me whenever they need too.

January 30

Which of your senses is the most important to you? What would you do without it?

Out of all my five senses I would say my sight is the most important to me because I use my sight to determine the area around me. I honestly don't know what I would do without my sight.

February 1

How do you see yourself? How do you think others see you?

I honestly see my self most days as an unattractive girl, but there are days were I do truly believe I'm pretty. I see my self as an outgoing young lady trying to make every one happy even at the downfall of my own. Others see me as a beautiful young lady which for me is hard to believe. I just nod and say thank you but deep down I think they are lying. Others view me as loud and annoying; cruel, spiteful, mean. And I know that I can be mean but I always try to be here to benefit others

February 3

Do you treat people as they are, or as they ought to be?

Honestly its a little bit of both, If someone is just an awful person and respect doesn't work on them then they will get no respect from me. But if they show same respect then I will treat them with respect and kindness.

February 6

How were you taught to tell the truth?

I had rules in my household when I was younger. And when those rules weren't followed I got punished. Respect was taught to me first with manners then with respecting myself and elders.

February 8

Have your parents ever practiced "long division" on you and your friends?

February 13

What is the most important advise you have ever received?

February 15

What was the stupidest thing you have ever done? Did someone persuade you to do it?

February 22

What do you wish you knew then that you know now?


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