Vietnam War Cam, ariana - video

Values & Beliefs

Before: Only two members of the United States Congress voted against granting Johnson (Lyndon) authority to wage the war in Vietnam, and most Americans supported this measure as well. The antiwar movement in 1965 was small, and news of its activities was in newspapers, yet barely mention at all.

During: Americans turned on the news to see the bodies of their young flown home in bags. Because of this small percentage of Americans believed their government was evil or sympathized with the Vietnam Congress but many began to feel it was time to cut losses.

After: The United States became divided on wether or not to keep fighting or call it quits


The U.S fought a hi-tech war, using B52 bombers, artillery, helicopters, napalm and defoliants. But failed to stop the Vietnam guerrillas.

Vietnam, choose a different approach using Guerrilla warfare, surprise attacks which the US failed to stop.

Those of color in the war were put to the frontline to fight causing further conflict at the US homefront.


Toward the beginning of American involvement in Vietnam, a new president took office due to the assassination of Kennedy. The country changed a great deal, the new president, Lyndon Johnson, began to implement his own goals which were similar to Kennedy’s but were actually followed through.

Riots struck in the inner city over, poor housing, bad schools, etc… no effort was made to address [the problems], to rebuild what had been destroyed in the riots. (The 1965 Watts Riots).


A popular book at the time.

"The War divided the people but the music untied the troops" Music was the key to surviving and the path to healing, that was lost in the haze of politics and myth that surrounds Vietnam. Music was just about every where in Vietnam.

The songs “Ring of Fire,” “Nowhere to Run,” “Riders on the Storm”: all shifted shape in relation to the war.


Advertised on TV, in newspapers, posters, to persuade America's society that public support was needed to win. Making the war seem like a threat to society! clearly outlining the objectives the theUS government wanted to achieve


Even though African Americans gained many rights during the 1960s, racial riots occurred in cities across America.

Violence continued in many different cities due to discrimination of blacks and Hispanics. During this time the protest and the rise of “Black Power.” occurred.


Was used to advertise all of the propaganda for the war, trying to capture and every eye in America they could, that wasn't drafted and still willing to go to war, and into Vietnam if needed.


Everything was really expensive during this time for the citizens funds were going overseas causing an imbalance in the economy, The government financially began to erode, Despite the work BOTH Kennedy and Johnson had put in, which later caused all of the other financial and economic crisis's in the 1970's.

1969 did President Johnson decided to introduce a 10% income tax surcharge which slowed down the economy


During the Vietnam War, the idea that 18-year-old men could be drafted and forced to risk their lives in the war without the privileges of voting in state and local elections or the ability to consume alcohol legally pressured the legislators to lower the voting age nationally.

Congress eventually passed the 26th Amendment in March 1971 and President Nixon ratified it on July 1, 1971.

Government form WW2 to the Vietnam war.


Allowed the Government to increase in troops fighting in the Vietnam war. Systematically They drew capsules containing birth dates placed in a large glass container and drawn by hand to assign order-of-call numbers to all men within the 18-26 age range.

Many tried to avoid going to war and left America all together, to Canada.

Whether they volunteered or they were drafted 1 out of 10 soldiers were killed or injured in Vietnam.

Link and video-


Families continued with their daily lives, and sent the men in service care packages, but couldn't do anything more because the war was so protested. -Mom

The only men who weren't drafted into the war were those in collage or had graduated from collage, because they needed people to continue to build America and those with collage degree's, etc. were "Valuable".

"Care packages"


Vet's didn't get the best welcome home, because the environment they returned home to was so different. Especially if they returned home with war injuries, PTSD a common mental illness occurred at this time as well even though not every soldier returned home with permanent damage physically or mentally.


America joined the war in Vietnam as a general attempt to prevent Communism, we Americans feared the Vietnamese communists would take over. We tried to help make an agreement but after the agreement was made the communist were not living to the agreement which made the US believe we needed to step in when it wasn't our fight the only reason we did is because we had/have south Vietnam as an ally.

Video on America's purpose:


The Ku Klux Klan was present during this time, and ethnic people were fighting for their rights in America. Which gave ethnic people better jobs, housing, quality of life, etc. This was a difficult yet rising time for those of color in America.

Work Cited

BBC. "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Vietcong and American Tactics." BBC News. BBC, 20 Aug. 2014. Web. 02 May 2017.

Bradley, Doug. "The Vietnam War Divided The Country, But Music United The Troops." The Vietnam War Divided. WBur, 7 Dec. 2015. Web. 02 May 2017.

Commons, Creative. "The Vietnam War." Independence Hall Association, 3 Mar. 2008. Web. 02 May 2017.

L, Henry. "Vietnam War and the American Economy." Vietnam War and the American Economy. History Central, 5 Feb. 2004. Web. 02 May 2017.

M, Daniel. "New American Nation." Encyclopedia of the New American Nation. American Nation, 13 Mar. 2015. Web. 02 May 2017.

Rohn, Alan. "How Did the Vietnam War Affect America?" The Vietnam War. The Vietnam War, 05 May 2016. Web. 02 May 2017

Student. "Vietnam Propaganda." Homefront. Tripod, 14 June 2006. Web. 02 May 2017.

Student. "Vietnam Propaganda." Untitled Document. Lessons in Propaganda, 5 Nov. 2014. Web. 02 May 2017.

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