Josephine Baker Harlem Renissance

"I believe in prayer. It is the best way to draw strength from heaven."

The Harlem renaissance was the increase in social, cultural and artistic advancements that took place in Harlem, New York between the end of world war 1 and the mid 1930's. During this time many black writers, musicians, artist, photographers, poets and scholars made their home at Harlem and contributed their ideas and inventions to the movement.

This Movement was incredibly important since for the first time in american history african americans were able to share their ideas and share their work to both blacks and whites.

Josephine Baker was born on June,3rd, 1906 in ST.Louis Missouri, her original name was Freda Josephine Mcdonald. She grew up in poverty before learning to dance and sing her way to success on Broadway. she toured with two comic groups one being the Jones family Band and the other being The Dixis Steppers.

She toured America and eventully moved to New York and performed in Chocolate Dandies along with Ethel Waters in the floor show of the plantation club. There she quickly became a crowd favorite through her comedic personality and her progressive dancing.

Everyone who ever came too close to Josephine got burned. That is why she was so fabulous on the stage: the public was protected by the orchestra pit and she would reach the people with just the right warmth - not too hot, just beautiful.

Josephine Baker contributed to the Harlem Rennisance by Showing the crowd how special and entertaining a black women could be in a time when both blacks and women were struggling with gaining basic rights.

Josephine Baker was able to add her unique ideas and talent to Harlem renaissance and was a very impact individual during this time period.

Created By
Lance Griffith

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