Lost but not forgotten Inspired photoshoot

Somewhere nestled in Winder GA, is this abandoned, dilapidated house. There are still clothes hanging in the closets, hats parked on the wall hooks and a million memories strewn about. A small hole, in the ceiling, reveals the constant rain that continues to erode what is left behind.

Somewhere in time

Our client, Isabella and her friend Conner, found this old house that has been abandoned for many years. Isabella, a junior at Winder-Barrow high school, was brave enough to do some modeling for us. We may have done a little exploring as well ;)

A husband and wife once kept these walls alive

It was pretty dark in the house and it was also pouring outside. I held the flash, donned with a MagMod diffuser and a MagGrid, to capture the light just as we saw it, first hand. Brandon let his inspiration fly. We were able to get several shots of our model bringing this old house to life.

Each room was filled with memories long forgotten
There is still life here...and we captured it
Isabella and Conner enjoying the ambiance

As photographers we try to remember the quiet places, the forgotten places.

Photography is hard work

This shoot was a lot of fun!

For those who are wondering...we left it exactly as it was. We took nothing and left nothing behind.

Created By
Karen Shields


33E Photography

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