The Colony of Connecticut by krystal chase

This is an underwater explorer.

In the 1600s, explorers from Europe came to Connecticut so they can search other things.

This is a picture of a trading post.

Block claimed Connecticut for the netherlands and after that the dutch people came and built trading posts.

This is sort of what the indians lived in.

The colonists bought land from the indians and the indians thought that they could still live there and the colonists kicked them off their properties and they were angry and surprised.

This is a photo of around Massachusetts.

Soon a bunch of settlers came to Connecticut. Then Thomas Hooker had led a bunch of settlers from Massachusetts to Hartford because Massachusetts was getting to crowded.

This is a photo of the Statue of Liberty in New York.

In 1662, the colonists where worried because they think Massachusetts and New York might try to take over Connecticut.

This is a farmer who is gardening.

The Connecticut colonists fished,farmed,and more people would trade, or barter, for little thing they couldn't make themselves. Peddlers named the Yankee Peddlers, visited the colonists who lived in the country.

This is a picture of the Boston Harbor.

The colonists in Boston hated taxes so they refused to pay and they got so angry that they through a bunch of tea into the Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773.

This is one of England's leaders.

England's leaders didn't want them interfering in the way the colonies run.

Here is a cannon which is similar to a gun

If war broke out Connecticut wanted to be ready the towns stored up guns and gunpowder and Connecticut's militia trained hard.


Created with images by skeeze - "spiral planetary nebula nebula universe" • tpsdave - "sea ocean water" • Neeta Lind - "IMG_8040" • Karen Roe - "Ickworth Park (NT) 02-03-2012" • tpsdave - "massachusetts lake water" • Ronile - "statue of liberty new york ny" • Dave_B_ - "farmers" • BostonPhotoSphere - "Sunset & Long Island Bridge, Boston Harbor" • skeeze - "winston churchill statue embassy" • Kecko - "Cannon Fire"

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