Long Shot to Reality By sanjeev Hassani

As an aspiring actress, Georgia Devaney’s hard work finally paid off when she received the opportunity to star in an HBO film.

When Georgia Devaney received a phone call that she was going to be cast in an HBO film, she was ecstatic. As an up-and-coming actress, Georgia decided to audition for the role of a teenage girl in the film Get Well. While she was unsure if she would get the part, she had been working for an opportunity to showcase her talents her whole life.

Georgia's story goes deeper than some girl who wants to be an actress. Ever since, Georgia was seven years old, she knew that's what she wanted to do. Unlike other young kids, Georgia never participated in any sports. She instead was attracted to acting, improv, and singing. While in elementary and middle school, Georgia took part in school plays, musicals, and honors chorus, always trying to develop her skills.

Georgia pursued acting as a young girl.

By the time Georgia started high school, she knew she had to get her name out in the public to directors and theatrical colleges. Georgia heard the auditions for a new film, called Get Well would be taking place in Charlotte, so she persuaded her parents to let audition, mostly just to gain experience. When Georgia was cast in the movie, she went bonkers. After years of starring in school plays and local theatre groups, Georgia was finally going to be in a real movie!

Georgia starring in The Little Mermaid for Nation Ford High School.

“I felt pretty confident going into the audition,” she tells me. “I could tell the director was impressed with me.”

A long six month filming of the movie lay ahead of her, in which she would play the lead girl’s little sister. As the only kid in the movie, Georgia tells me she “felt out of place at first, but everyone was really friendly.” During the shooting of the film, Georgia would get home around 11 or 12 each night, struggling to get up for school the next morning.

Georgia preparing for a scene in the film, Get Well.

“It was difficult getting home that late every night,” she explains to me. “Some days I would ask myself, Is this really worth it?"

Georgia finished shooting the movie and her performance impressed her directors and colleagues. When the movie was released, she watched the movie with all her friends and family, who were extremely proud of her. Although Georgia is very critical of herself, “I thought I acted really well, considering it was my first film,”she confirmed.

Her eyes lit up when asked about her acting endeavors in the near future. “ I've just auditioned for High School Musical 4,” she expresses excitedly. “It's definitely a long-shot but it would be huge if I got a part in such a popular series.”

Well if anyone can turn long shots into a reality, it's Georgia Devaney.

Created By
Sanjeev Hassani

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