The beauty of Andaman and Nicobar An online guide to the "must visit " places

The construction of this historical place was completed in 1906. The British used to imprision some Indian freedom fighters who was against the British. The Indians had to face brutal torture. Every evening, there is a sound and light show which takes the tourists back to those days.

The Havelock Island is another beautiful place to see. The water is very "bluish", in fact most of the islands are. The best way to get there is by boarding a cruize ship from Port Blair, which is a must.

The Elephant beach is a go to destination if you are a fan of water sports and activities. Some of them include seawalk, snorkeling, a ride in the jetski, among many others.

The Radha Nagar beach, located near Neil Island, is the ideal spot for an ideal viewing-the sunset. An interesting fact is that, sunrise and sunset in the entire Andaman Islands happen very early, with the sunset being around 5pm, and the sunrise around 4.30 am

Other attractions include a ride in the cruise ship, submarine, scuba diving among many other things. So, if you are a person who loves travelling and adventures, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is the ideal spot!


Created with images by Joseph Jayanth - "kala pathar beach, havelock" • antkriz - "Image00003" • - "Beach No. 3" • irumge - "havelock sunset"

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