The Divine Experience Noah Rodriguez

The Spatial Experience:

When I was informed that the Constans Theatre was located within the Reitz Union, I was skeptical about how nice the theatre was actually going to be. To my pleasant surprise, the theatre was phenomenal. When I entered the dark room, I immediately felt as if I was no longer on University of Florida campus, and that I was about to go watch a play that I had spent money on. Everything felt and looked professional quality, from the lights, seating, props, and even the smell. My seats were close to the front and off the right, but due to the layout of the stage and seats my viewing of the play was unaffected by my position in the theatre, which is was a bonus. When the lights dimmed, I became excited for what I was about to experience, and although the audience was small, the size created a more personal feel. Space plays a big role in the Good Life. If one is not comfortable their physical surroundings, it makes it more difficult to soak up experiences and knowledge.

The Social Experience

I attended the performance of The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt with one friend of mine, and it only enhanced my experience. Going with a person gave me someone to talk about the play with after, or make quiet comments to while events in the play were occurring. Having a friend by my side allowed me to share the experience with someone else and it increased my level of comfort of being in a crowded theatre. Shared experiences are important only in some people's Good Life; some people prefer to go solo. Shared experiences are important to me because they allow me to connect with another person on a more personal level, something that is deeper than just small talk. Having a connection with someone takes you further and more involved into their life, as well as allow you to reflect on your own life.

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience

The play had many issues, but the central theme was corruption within the church. Based off the first half of the play, I would have never guessed the horrible events that were to unfold. Before the play I had no knowledge of the evilness of some people that claim to be "people of God," and it made me realize that someone can be evil regardless of their title. Fortunately, the play has no connection or relationship to something happening in my life or my past life.

The Emotional Experience

The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt provides the audience the opportunity for katharthis. For me, the play made me realize how fortunate I am for the life that I possess. By witnessing the horrible events of the second half, I was able to come clean about the times that I had been ungrateful for small things in my life that in the grand scheme of things were not a problem. This play showed me that sometimes horrible things happen to people, and that we should always be grateful for the life were given.

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