The Florida Museum of Natural History Leah paxton

The main thing about the butterfly rain forest at the Natural History Museum that captured my attention is the waterfalls. I am absolutely transfixed by the sound of rushing water, and observing the falls made me feel as though I was actually out in nature. Actually being in this exhibit was a special experience because butterflies could not have been flying all around me had I not physically been there. Being able to see the exhibit with my own eyes taught me a lot because I had never seen butterflies that close-up before, only occasionally and in passing as they flew by. Here, I could closely observe many different butterflies as they rested on leaves.
The Natural History Museum definitely strengthened my appreciation for nature and reinvigorated my passion for making sure that humanity protects it. I found this to be particularly true in the section of the museum that makes the visitor feel as though he/she is underwater. These creatures that live under the sea are the ones that people do not simply see out in nature, and it can be easy to forget how many species there are in the ocean and how important they are. The exhibit was beautiful, just like the creatures that were on display! As a whole, the museum certainly caused me to think about how important it is to conserve nature. I have always been more of a city girl, but the displays at the museum reminded of how stunning and diverse nature is. The museum allows visitors to connect with nature through the use of many of the senses. There is plenty to see, and buttons give off the sounds of nature. There are also lots of placards with information that helps connect the public to nature.
The exhibit that caused me to step the most out of my natural life is the displays about the Calusa tribe. Especially while entering the hut, I felt as if I was transported into a different time period. I am very interested in history, so the exhibit on the Calusa tribe was fascinating to me. I was able to suspend my disbelief and pretend that what I was seeing was real, and that was awesome. The museum as a whole helped me appreciate the mystery and majesty of the natural world because it is crazy to me that all these species exist or have existed. It is wild what happens out in nature all on its own. The world is a beautiful, unfathomable place. It helped me to better understand who I am by reminding me that I one tiny little fragment of the universe and all of these other aspects of the world exist.

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