Dutchlious World wide wafels


We make snacks for ingredient-minded eaters with great taste. If your palette demands something different, and you appreciate the little things in life - like surprising design, novel recipes and better-for-you treats - you’ve found the right purveyor. You think snacks should have sophistication. And we tend to agree with you. That’s why we’re working hard (and playing a bit, too) to passionately redefine the conventional idea of convenient foods, starting with the delicious Stroopwafel.

Our mission is to become a world wide producer of delicious dutch delicacy, while contributing to a greater society one wafel at a time.

How it's Made
How to eat
Corporate Social Responsibility

There are many foundations that are close to our heart. Here is a list of foundations that we support.

Some of Our Clients

Up for a challenge? We are hiring


Created with images by ryan.merkley - "Amsterdam, I miss you already. My supply of stroopwafels dwindles." • Steven Vance - "Freshly made stroopwafel" • dsrins_syb - "Stroopwafel from Sinterklaas (Aunt Carol)" • debbietingzon - "Kit Kat McFlurry" • JerryUnderscore - "starbucks coffee sign" • JeepersMedia - "Whole Foods" • Sebastiaan ter Burg - "Wikimedia stroopwafel logo" • Robert Glen Fogarty - "Stroopwafels!" • johl - "Stroopwafels" • OXLAEY.com - "Food Festival Djemaa-el-Fna Rotterdam 9" • de40plusvrouw - "stroopwafel cake caramel"

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