Looking into the future Rachel Willey

I'm a barista. I love connecting with people. Making every moment right.

Who do I want to represent?

I want to represent a school that is willing to push me to reach my goals and to even make new ones.

Being a partner at Starbucks I have the opportunity to take classes online for my Bachelors through Arizona State University.

What is the area of study/work you see yourself doing? What are some of the requirements to get into this college/service/work?

They area of study and work I see myself is in teaching environment. nursing program. I would love to be a Spanish teacher.

I would love to study abroad through out my Bachelors at ASU for a year.

Where - is the college/service/work located? will you live over the next four years?

The classes are online but I would be planning on transferring to another Starbucks.

After my 4 years at ASU online through Starbucks I will be transferring to OSU to finish and finish my Masters and living up North, continuing Spanish teaching.

When - do you need to finish applications/take certain tests/etc. When do gather the necessary skills to matriculate/lead/work?

30 credit hours and a portfolio, or 30 credit hours, a thesis and a written comprehensive exam. Students seeking a master's degree in Spanish should consult with the respective graduate representative.

Why - does this college/service/work interest you? did you make this choice

The opportunity of becoming a barista at Starbucks is what interested me. Being involved with the community and sharing smiles made me want to work here. The online classes through ASU was and is a benefit working at Starbucks.

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