Catherine's Goals english 2 | period 2

My semester goal

My semester goal is to get more involved in school and ask question on what i do not understand. By the end of the semester i will pass all my classes with A's and B's.

  • I will accomplish this by reviewing all my notes and asking questions.
  • I will pass all my classes by getting 80% or higher on test and quizzes.

''Dream's can be lifelong or momentary , personal or universal ,weighty or frivolous.''

My English goal

My English goal is to pass with an A and an 80% or higher in all my test , homework and quizzes.

  • I will accomplish this by turning in all my work on time.
  • I will use the time in class to go over what i did not understand.

''Goals are the way people reach their dreams.''

My High School goal

My high school goal is to pass all my classes with A's and B's and get a sholarship

  • I will accomplish this by working hard in school
  • I will also get 80% or higher on test and other work.

''Dreams let us try out scenarios as rich as our imagination can make it.''

After High School goal

After high school i plan to go to ASU to study business.

  • I will accomplish this by getting A's and B's through out high school.
  • I will also save money to be able to pay for college.

''Dreams are the starting point for our accomplishments.''

Personal growth

My personal goal is to be more with my family and my friend and to learn to drive.

  • I will accomplish this by hanging out more with my friends and my family.
  • Also to tell my dad or mom to teach me when they have free time.


Created with images by edgarpierce - "Gray plank background" • Hermann - "books education school" • geralt - "leave board hand" • mozlase__ - "still life school retro" • dcJohn - "class out" • congerdesign - "book book gift by heart" • Calua - "book page open book" • geralt - "board school perfection" • Tax Credits - "College" • angrias - "arizona state university asu sign"

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