Safety on the Internet peter marion

The internet is a safe haven where you are aloud to express who you are or who you really are. The internet is also a place where you are allowed to connect to people who are miles away and its a way to make your daily life a little or a lot more easier by having the ability to search and learn just about anything.

But the Internet can also be a dangerous place where events in your life can get from bad to worse in minutes if you are not careful. One post or one comment can send your life on a dark path where harmful people find ways to cause harm to you or others.

Sharing Of Information

Here are some ways where you can protect or avoid these situations

When using apps like "Instagram" or "Facebook" make sure you know what you are posting since your loved ones or complete strangers are able to see it. Post pictures or statements that have no possible way to find out where you directly are such as posting a picture where you and your friends standing in front of your school, displaying your schools name. Information like that tends to fall into the wrong hands such as predators and sometimes Cyber Bullies.

Rules to Stay Safe on Social Media

Blocking is another good tactic to use when on Social Media, this method allows you to stop those people online who make you feel uncomfortable or even creep you out. This even works on the unknown like a message from a person you have no clue who he/she is, this problem can be solved by ignoring or blocking it permanently where it can do no harm. This also helps to keep away the people who are generally called "Cyber Bullies", these people seek to harm others by sending them messages, posting or gossiping about them with hurtful info.

Remain Unknown

Giving out your name on the internet is a major nope, don't ever give out your name when playing an online game or even chatting on a none social media site. Perfect way to avoid this problem is to come up with an alias, a nickname, false name, where there is no possible connection to your reality, Phone numbers and your address are also a nope.

All these methods help keep you safe and keep your loved ones safe from harm.

Stay Safe Out There

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